
Thermal transmittance

How do you recognise a well-insulated window?

When talking about energy-efficient windows, the “U-value” of the windows comes into play. The U-value is the thermal transmittance coefficient, which is used to assess the thermal insulation of a window by indicating the amount of energy that flows through a 1 m² window area in one hour: the lower the U-value, the better the insulation.

Compared to the standard windows provided with a simple glazing, which present as half values ​​U of 5.8 w/m²k, our windows obtain leading values ​​of up to 0.66 w/m²k. This allows us to offer our customers products adapted to their needs and with great thermal insulation for sliding windows, pivotants, combined … you choose what you choose, always with the highest quality. Quality The Company. Elijas lo que elijas, siempre con la máxima calidad. Quality The Company.

Acoustic transmittance

An acoustic insulation for quality windows can be the difference between enjoying a home or an office with a relaxed, quiet and free of stress, or having to withstand excessive noise levels that generate discomfort, tension, and even serious health problems ¡. Hence the importance of choosing soundproof windows that guarantee perfect insulation from outside sounds.

Soundproof windows

If you need soundproof windows for exterior noise, with REHAU you have all types of windows with a level of acoustic insulation unequalled in the market, manufactured in 100% recyclable PVC through environmentally sustainable production processes, and which offer great resistance to the exterior elements in exchange for minimal maintenance, guaranteeing a useful life of up to 50 years.

REHAU PVC windows reduce outside noise by up to 24 times.

At REHAU we are committed to putting technology and the latest advances in design at the service of people; that is why we manufacture PVC windows with acoustic insulation that, in addition to offering high quality construction and a large number of design possibilities, have the latest advances in acoustic insulation for windows , reducing exterior noise by up to 24 times..

Finishes and real colours

KALEIDO WOODEC Finish and texture that mimic the look and texture of wood.

Bring that touch of warmth to the rooms in your home with the new KALEIDO WOODEC, the opaque decorative foil with the look and feel of natural wood. With this surface that has a marked wooden structure, you will be surprised how difficult it is to distinguish between a wooden window and a PVC window. It creates a unique and cosy atmosphere both inside and outside your home, and is much easier to maintain than real wood windows.


CE labelling on windows

As for doors, windows and other building materials, the CE marking must provide specific performance data defining the enclosures. These data are required by designers, architects or end users to verify that the installed elements comply with the requirements set out in the project, renovation or refurbishment. The opposite may also be the case, and it may be the designer, architect or client who directly informs the manufacturer of the enclosure of the requirements necessary to comply with a given project. In either case, it is the responsibility of the designer, architect or client to check the product marking and ensure that it meets the requirements set for the purpose of the project. CE marking requirements for doors and windows. En cualquier caso, cualquiera de ellos debe encargarse de comprobar el marcado del producto y garantizar que cumplen los requisitos establecidos para los objetivos del proyecto.

Requisitos del marcado CE para puertas y ventanas

  • Estanqueidad al agua
  • Resistencia al viento
  • Capacidad de soportar carga de los dispositivos de seguridad
  • Altura (solo puertas peatonales exteriores)
  • Resistencia a los impactos (solo puertas peatonales exteriores)
  • Aislamiento acústico
  • Thermal transmittance
  • Permeabilidad al aire

Para verificar que el cumplimiento de esta obligatoriedad los productos marcado con el sello CE cuentan con el siguiente logotipo:

Manufacturing process

En The Company contamos con un equipo profesional humano que cada día trabaja para poder cumplir con las necesidades de todos nuestros clientes. Un proceso automatizado desde el pedido de la ventana hasta la salida de la misma.

  • Con un centro de corte y mecanizado de alta velocidad que tiene un rendimiento productivo de 480 palos que equivale a 60 ventanas en una sola jornada laboral.
  • Una soldadora de 4 Cabezas que trabaja la soldadura inversa y deja unos acabados inigualables.


Creemos en la importancia de la sostenibilidad para conseguir un futuro mejor, y nosotros la aplicamos en nuestro proceso productivo, reciclando el 100% del despiece sobrante en cada corte, dirigiéndose directamente a unas sacas reciclables, donde se fundirán para poder seguir creando perfilería para nuevas ventanas.

Con respecto al reciclaje de las ventanas de PVC, hay que decir que aproximadamente el 82% de la ventana es PVC reciclable, y el 18% restante lo componen residuos que también se puede reciclar a través de otros procedimientos (vidrios, metales…). El PVC se puede reciclar hasta diez veces aproximadamente. Si una ventana de PVC de buena calidad tiene una vida útil de entre 30 y 50 años, y este material puede reciclarse hasta 10 veces… ¡Podemos construir ventanas con una vida útil de más de 350 años!