C70 sliding window

C70 sliding window

Window and sliding system with 70 mm frame depth and optimum thermal and acoustic performance. Possibility of minimalist 30 mm central knot.

Technical data

UW ≥ 1.3 (W/m2k)

” Acoustic insulation
RW up to 38 dB

»Air permeability
(UNE-EN 12207) Class 4

»Water tightness
(UNE-EN 12208) Class 7a

” Wind resistance
(UNE-EN 12210) Class C5

AEV reference test 1.23 x 1.48 m / 2 sheets
Wood imitation
UW ≥ 1.3 (W/m2k)
” Acoustic insulation
RW up to 38 dB
»Air permeability
(UNE-EN 12207) Class 4
(UNE-EN 12208) Class 7a
” Wind resistance
(UNE-EN 12210) Class C5
AEV reference test 1.23 x 1.48 m / 2 sheets